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OK so...your friend/ coworker/ therapist/ arch nemesis was toting a funky fresh bag the other day and you thought: "I must have." 😍
Wonderful. We love to hear it. But...buying a thing today may not be the thing to do.
Above and beyond everything else we want folks to strive for less. Less stuff. Less waste. Less stress. That's why we encourage you to take a lunch to work or school. Because of how much 'less' it creates. 🌍
On the one hand, buying a rü means 'one more' belonging. But if you use it frequently, it saves thousands of single-use disposables from being wasted each year; countless bad calories from being eaten; and thousands of your hard earned dollars from being spent.
But before you run off to buy a töte or rü (or before you make any other purchase for that matter), please consider the following questions.👇
How do you know if something is affordable though?
Try this test out: double the price of the prospective purchase in your head—if you still feel good about your decision to buy, then you know it's an affordable purchase.
Alternatively, you might ask yourself how much will this cost per use?